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    Account Email Guidelines

    When creating an account at nunames, or updating the email address on file for your account, please take note of the following important guidelines:

    What Email address should I use?

    Do not use an email address that is hosted by your domain. For instance, if you are registering the domain name your-site.nu and enter your email address as liam@your-site.nu, then we will have no way to contact you to complete your registration or anytime the domain your-site.nu is not functioning—which will happen when the registration for your domain has not yet completed, if the domain has expired, or if your domain is not configured correctly.

    Why have I stopped getting notices about my domain?

    Please check back regularly at nunames.nu and ensure that the email address of your account is current and still functions. Many customers lose their domain names because the email address associated with their account at NuNames is not current and so they do not receive renewal reminders or other important system updates. Please make sure that you choose an email address that you know you will have for a long time, and/or check back regularly to make sure you contact information is up to date.

    If you are not sure what email address we have on file for your account, please contact us for help and be sure to let us know your current and correct contact information and what your domain names are.

    Why else have I stopped getting notices?

    Many email providers incorrectly categorize our domain name renewal notices as spam and thus prevent you from receiving them. Please ensure that the email address support@securemail.nunames.nu and support@nunames.nu are whitelisted by your email service provider and in your mail client.

    Everyone at nunames.